Tribute to Vidwan
B. Krishnamoorthy
We record with a sense of loss the passing away of Vidwan B. Krishnamoorthy recently. He was not only a scholar in music but also Sanskrit, philosophy, Vedantha, etc. Born in a musically oriented family in Padarakudi near Karaikudi, when he moved to Chennai, he joined the Central College of Music in 1950 and had the opportunity to learn under some of the veterans like Musiri Subramanya Iyer, T. Brinda, Thiruppampuram Swaminatha Pillai, etc. Later as a teacher in the college he was very popular among the students; he retired as the principal of the Music College at Madurai. He was a font of knowledge on music, a specialist in Tala and Tillanas. He was one of those unsung greats. His demise is a great loss to the Carnatic music world.